Should You Shave Before Laser Hair Removal?
July 28, 2022
Should You Shave Before Laser Hair Removal? Can You Not Shave Before Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Is Shaving Necessary Before Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

One question that most people ask before laser hair removal treatment is whether shaving is necessary. The short answer to this question is no – you don’t have to shave before laser hair removal. However, laser hair removal specialists generally prefer that patients shave the treatment area prior to their appointment.

There are a few reasons why we recommend patients to shave before treatment. But what are they? Let’s take a look!

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

Laser hair removal treatments work by targeting the pigment in the hair follicles with a laser. The laser light is absorbed by the pigment and converted into heat, which then destroys the hair follicle.

Shaving removes the majority of the visible hair from the treatment area, making it easier for the laser to target each individual follicle. This results in a more effective treatment with fewer missed spots.

In addition, by shaving prior laser hair removal, it prevents the laser light from being scattered by long hair. This scattering of laser light can cause burns and skin damage.

Why We Recommend You To Shave Before Laser Hair Removal 

To Shave Or Not To Shave?

1. Laser hair removal is more effective on short hair

Laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in the hair shaft and damaging the hair follicles. This damage prevents the follicle from growing new hair.


2. It’s easier to target the hair follicles

When the hair is shorter, the laser energy can more easily reach the hair follicles. This makes it more likely that the hair follicles will be damaged and the hair will not grow back.


3. Burn prevention

If laser energy is absorbed by longer hair, it can cause burns on the skin. To prevent this, hair removal specialists will often ask patients to shave before treatment.


4. Minimizes discomfort

If the hair is longer, laser energy can cause pain as it passes through the hair shaft. Shaving minimizes this pain by reducing the amount of hair that the laser has to pass through.


5. Makes treatment process more comfortable

In general, laser hair removal is a comfortable procedure. However, if the hair is long, it can be uncomfortable as the laser energy passes through the hair shaft. Shaving minimizes this discomfort by reducing the amount of hair that the laser has to pass through.


6. Reduces the risk of side effects

If the laser energy is absorbed by longer hair, it can cause side effects such as burns and blisters. Shaving reduces the amount of hair that the laser has to pass through and thus reduces the risk of these side effects.


7. Improves the efficiency of hair removal treatment

If the laser has to pass through longer hair, the treatment will take longer. Shaving reduces the amount of hair that the laser has to pass through and thus makes the treatment more efficient.


As you can see, there are many reasons why hair removal specialists prefer patients to shave before laser hair removal treatments. However, it is not necessary to shave and if you don’t want to, you can just trim the hair instead.

What If You Don’t Shave Before Laser Hair Removal?

What If We Choose Not To Shave?

If you choose not to shave before laser hair removal, there are a few risks that you should be aware of.


1. The laser may not be as effective

If the laser has to pass through longer hair, it will not be as effective at damaging the hair follicle. This means that the hair is more likely to grow back after treatment.


2. You may experience more discomfort

If the laser has to pass through longer hair, it can cause more discomfort as the laser energy passes through the hair shaft.


3. You may experience side effects

If the laser has to pass through longer hair, it can cause side effects such as burns and blisters.


4. The treatment may take longer

If the laser has to pass through longer hair, the treatment will take longer.


As you can see, there are some risks associated with not shaving before laser hair removal. However, these risks can be minimized by trimming the hair instead of shaving it.

When Should You Shave Before Laser Hair Removal Treatment?

Ideally, you should shave the treatment area about 24 hours before your laser hair removal treatment. This will give the hair time to grow back a bit so that the laser can more easily target the hair follicle.

If you are unable to shave before your appointment, don’t worry – our staff will be able to do it for you. We understand that not everyone is comfortable shaving themselves, so we are more than happy to do it for you. Just let us know when you book your appointment and we will take care of it. 

How to Shave Before Laser Hair Removal Treatment

If you do decide to shave before laser hair removal treatment, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, make sure to use a clean razor. A dirty razor can introduce bacteria into the hair follicle and cause an infection.

Second, be very careful when shaving. These treatments can irritate the skin and make it more susceptible to cuts and scrapes. Take your time and be careful not to cut yourself.

Finally, make sure to moisturize the treatment area after you shave. This will help soothe any irritation and keep your skin hydrated.

If you have any questions about laser hair removal or would like to book a free consultation, please contact us today.


Laser hair removal treatments are typically performed by a licensed professional in an outpatient setting. Most of these treatments take less than an hour to complete.

Before your hair removal treatment, your skin will be cleansed and a cool gel will be applied to the treatment area. This gel helps to protect your skin and guide the laser light to the hair follicle.

During your laser hair removal treatment, you may feel a brief, hot sensation as the laser energy is delivered to your hair follicles. Most people can tolerate these hair removal treatments well, but if you have sensitive skin, your doctor may recommend a topical numbing cream to help reduce discomfort.

After the treatment, the gel will be removed and your skin will be cooled. You may feel some redness and swelling in the treated area, but this should resolve within a few hours.

For more about post-treatment aftercare, check out our previous article!


Laser hair removal is considered a permanent hair reduction method. This means that it can significantly reduce the amount of hair in the treatment area, but it is not guaranteed to be 100% effective.

In some cases, patients may require additional laser hair removal treatments to maintain results. The number of maintenance treatments needed will vary from person to person.

If you are looking for a permanent hair removal solution, you may consult our hair removal specialists here at Regina! They will be able to evaluate your individual case and help you achieve your permanent hair removal goals!

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?


Laser hair removal can be used to remove unwanted hair from any part of the body. This includes sensitive areas such as the bikini line.

If you’re considering hair removal of the bikini area, check out our previous articles on the types of bikini hair removal styles you can go for and if laser hair removal is safe for the pubic area.

Laser hair removal is typically safe for all skin types. However, people with dark skin may be at risk for developing laser-induced hyperpigmentation, or dark spots on the skin. It is important to check with a hair removal specialist (such as Regina) before undergoing any hair removal treatment to determine if you are suitable for the treatment. 


If you are looking for professional laser hair removal near you, look no further than Regina. We bring to our clients the latest in laser hair removal technology: Super Hair Removal (SHR).

SHR is a state-of-the-art laser hair removal system that is FDA cleared and clinically proven to be safe and effective.

Our laser hair removal specialists are highly trained and experienced. They will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs.

If you are ready to get started on your journey to permanent hair removal, contact us today to schedule a consultation. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals!

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More About Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a popular choice for those looking for a long-term solution to hair removal. If you are considering laser hair removal, it is important to learn as much as you can about the treatment.

Check out our other articles to learn more about laser hair removal, including how it works, what to expect during your laser hair removal treatment, and many more!